Quick stop in Malaga, before getting on a bus to Almería
As a Summer of Code student, I used the opportunity to meet my mentor David and many other members of the community at this years annual Akademy conference in Almería. This was the first year I attended, so I didn’t know the people I’ve communicated with over IRC and mailing lists in person before. It really helped that I am now able to put faces to the screennames on IRC. And big thanks to David, that you introduced me to a lot of them.
The talks were genuinely informative, I especially enjoyed the wonderful future we will see in Plasma Mobile, and how we can enlarge our (developer) community by supporting further international writing systems. Features of new C++ releases were shown, we got on overview on how we can make use of functional constructs and got some insight into debugging QML. There were so many informative talks, I unfortunately can’t list all of them!
I also had the oppertunity to meet Vasudha, another GSoC student working on a QML interface to Rocket.Chat. I think we two were the only current GSoC stundents present. I can only recommend to future students to go there, it helped me a lot. Not only that you get to meet new friends, but also to hear about the challanges they had when implementing something similar.
Almería, as seen from San Cristóbal
A huge thanks to all of the organisators, without you this wouldn’t have been possible! I hope I can speak for everyone when I say we really enjoyed our time there!
And lastely, I had the pleasure to announce at the conference that next year Akademy will be going to Vienna, Austria. I will be co-organizing the event with Horrendus and other members of our local KDE community.